Recovery mode

Virtual machine (VM) recovery mode - starts a VM with a LiveCD image of the SystemRescueCD operating system (OS). This OS is for VM maintenance, diagnostics and troubleshooting. For more information on working with SystemRescueCD, see the official documentation.

To enable recovery mode:

  1. Go to Virtual Machines → menu → Recovery Mode.
  2. Click Start Mode and Reboot to confirm putting the VM into recovery mode.
  3. VMmanager will connect the SystemRescueCD image to the VM and reboot it.
  4. Recovery mode does not turn off automatically. It is active until the user manually turns it off. When the VM is rebooted, the recovery mode remains active.

To turn off recovery mode:

  1. Go to Virtual Machines → menu → Recovery Mode.
  2. Click Disable Mode and Reboot to confirm putting the VM into recovery mode.
  3. VMmanager will disconnect the SystemRescueCD image from the VM and reboot it.

Operations to enable and disable recovery mode are displayed in the VM event history: Virtual machines → open the virtual machine page → History tab.

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