How to create a script

Scripts allow you to automatically configure virtual machines: install software, change configuration files, etc. The script can be selected when creating a virtual machine. Then it will be launched immediately after installing the operating system. Also, the script can be run on the created virtual machine. By default, scripts are available from the ISPsystem repository.

To create your own script:

  1. Go to Scripts.
  2. Specify the Name of the script.
  3. Select who is allowed to access the image:
    • Owner;
    • Everyone.
  4. Select Tags to classify the script and its relationship to the OS. The script is available to run on the OS when at least one tag they match.
  5. Provide a Description for the script. It is displayed in the list of scripts.
  6. Specify the body of the bash Script.
  7. Click Create.
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