Creating an Autoresponder

An autoresponder is needed to automatically send a message with a specific text in response to incoming mail. With the help of an autoresponder, it is convenient to notify senders that their letters have been received, but have not yet been processed.

To create an autoresponder:

  1. Go to Domains → Mail Domains → Mailboxes → Autoresponder or Accounts → Mailboxes → Autoresponder.
  2. Enter your email address in the From field. This address will be listed as the sender in autoresponder emails.
  3. Specify a Subject for autoresponder emails.
  4. Enter the text of the Message.
  5. To attach a file to a message, specify the path in the Attach file field. The directory is specified relative to the user's directory. For example, if the user's directory is "/ var / www / user / data" and the path to the file is "/ file", then the file "/ var / www / user / data / file" will be attached to the letter.
  6. Activate the Turn on autoresponder option.
  7. Click Ok.


An autoresponder is triggered once a day for each of the senders. This is to avoid multiple messages when one answering machine answers another. The last response time to a letter is determined by the log.

  • 282 Пользователей нашли это полезным
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