
A backup is an image of a virtual machine (VM) disk that is used to restore it. Unlike custom images, backups contain all VM settings. For example, network settings, passwords, etc.

Backups are created in the image storage directory on the cluster node where the original VM is located. When a VM is migrated, the backups are moved with it to another node in the cluster. When you delete a VM, its backups are deleted.

Making a backup

To create a VM backup, go to Virtual machines → select VM → Menu → Back up:

1. Enter a Title for the new copy. By default, the copy names are:

<vmname> _backup_ <unixtime>
For example, misty_dichroite_backup_1590457814782.

2. Specify an arbitrary note.
3. Click Create a backup.

Backup management

A backup is a virtual machine (VM) disk image that is used to restore it. Backups contain all VM settings. For example, network settings, passwords, etc.

To manage backups, enter Virtual machines → VM name → Images for recovery.

To recover a VM from a backup, press restore.

  • To delete a backup, press .
  • To change properties of a backup, press .

The list of backups in the VM card

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